ME151 Mistakes? You Must be Mistaken! Valuing Tractors and Trailers
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- Non-Member - $99
- Member - $79
Webinar Description
The attendee will understand the need to properly understand the subject property. Attendees will understand the need to make appropriate value adjustments, in a specific order. Examples of appropriate value adjustments (making the comparable look like the subject property, through dollar adjustments). Additionally, the diagnosis of the asset's VIN will be explored to ensure the Model Year matches the year given/described, as well as other major attributes. Finally, we will cover adjustments needed for prospective appraisals, Without addressing, these and other areas, the appraiser could be making material mistakes in arriving at individual values, or in total and in the narrative portion of the report.
Learning Outcomes
Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:
- Analyze the need to make appropriate value adjustments
- Calculate and explore the diagnosis of the asset's VIN
- Recognize adjustments needed for prospective appraisals; and
- Apply knowledge to prevent appraisers from making material mistakes when arriving at individual values.
Webinar Audience
Appraisers, financing company asset managers, investors
Instructor Information
Michael Winterfeld, ASA | Taylor & Martin, Inc.
Michael Winterfeld is the Director of Appraisal Services for Taylor & Martin. He has invested the past 20 years of his life in this role. Mike is frequently asked to present on various trucking subjects; including the valuation, trends and specifications of trucks, tractors and trailers. Mike is an Accredited Senior Appraiser and currently serves as the President of the Iowa-Nebraska Chapter and is a member of the MTS Committee.