BV195 BV Report Compliance with USPAP and SSVS-1 (now VS100)
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- Member - $119
Webinar Description
When preparing reports, many business valuation professionals must comply with the Statements on Standards for Valuation Services ("SSVS-1" issued by the AICPA), the ASA Business Valuation Standards, the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP" issued by The Appraisal Foundation), or two or three of these combined. How to comply with each one, and then how to put it all together can be daunting. This webinar will discuss specific comparisons between and among the reporting requirements and provide suggestions for dealing with certain common issues. While it will focus primarily on USPAP and SSVS-1, it will also address the requirements of the ASA Business Valuation Standards.
Webinar Audience
Anyone issuing reports that must comply with at least one of these professional standards.
Instructor Information
Carla G. Glass, FASA | Managing Director | Marcum LLP
Carla G. Glass, CFA, FASA, is a managing director in the Advisory & Consulting Services Group of Marcum LLP, located in the New Haven, CT office. Ms. Glass been valuing business interests and intangible assets for over 30 years, focusing primarily on valuation for gift and estate and financial reporting purposes – more recently becoming involved in litigation engagements. Ms. Glass’s experience also includes “Big 4/8” firms; a global valuation-only company; and regional companies. She has been involved with professional standards for much of her career, including six years (one of them as Chair) on the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation (the board that writes USPAP). Ms. Glass also served on the Valuation Resources Group of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (when it existed) and was a liaison to the first three working groups sponsored by The Appraisal Foundation regarding “best practices in valuations for financial reporting.”
Learning Outcomes
Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:
- Identify the key elements required for a business valuation report that is compliant with USPAP and SSVS-1;
- Differentiate the requirements for the two business valuation report types under USPAP and the two report types under SSVS-1;
- Recognize when it is appropriate to use which of those report types;
- Assess how the ASA and other professional business valuation standards fit in with these four report types; and
- Evaluate what to include in a USPAP-compliant appraisal review report.