AR122-WEB Appraisal Review: Applying the Standards
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- Non-Member - $45
- Member - $35
Webinar Description
This webinar will speak to the proper application of accepted standards in appraisal review. The primary focus will be on USPAP, but IVS compliance will also be addressed. This webinar will apply to appraisal review assignments either with or without the reviewer’s own opinion of value. Included will be discussion related to common deficiencies some widely held misconceptions regarding appraisal review. Specific topics will include issues such as reviewer competency, scope of work, preparing a defensible appraisal review report and others.
Learning Outcomes
Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:
- Identify applicable appraisal review standards;
- Define the appraisal review problem to be resolved;
- Develop an appropriate scope of work;
- Perform an more relevant appraisal review; and
- Communicate the results of the appraisal review more clearly.
Webinar Audience
Any appraiser from any discipline who engages in, or plans to engage in, appraisal review assignments.
Instructor Information
Barry J. Shea, ASA| Barry Shea & Associates
Barry J. Shea, ASA, IFA, ARM-RP has been appraising since 1987. He served on the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation for 8 years, including 3 years as the chair. He also served as a member of the NH Real Estate Appraiser Board for 5 years (2 years as chair). He is currently the Foundation’s trustee on the International Ethics Standards Coalition (IESC) and is the current secretary of that coalition. In addition, he has authored numerous continuing and qualifying education appraisal courses. He holds a master’s degree in business education form Southern New Hampshire University and has taught several general business courses at that institution. Recently, he became a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) though the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC).