AIC23 RP - Introduction to Business Valuation: Key Insights for Appraisers
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- Non-Member - $69
- Member - $49
Session Description
This business valuation introductory session is designed for appraisers in related disciplines such as personal property, real property, machinery, and technical disciplines. Attendees will learn about the common reasons for business valuation and the key factors that drive business value within the income approach, market approach, and asset approach, building from the core concepts present in other appraisal disciplines. Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of business valuation and how it relates to other appraisal fields. We’ll also cover the outstanding business valuation resources and courses available through the ASA.
Casey Karlsen, ASA | Manager, Valuation Services Group | BerryDunn
Seth Webber, ASA, CFA, CEPA, CBA, CVA | Principal, Valuation Services Group | BerryDunn
Continuing Education
Review of this session recording will award 1 CE hour.
State CE and CPE credit are not awarded for this pre-recorded offering.